Ordinary World: Josie Geller is a journalist/ upcoming newspaper reporter. She is invisible. She is 25 years old and she still has never been kissed.
Call To Adventure: The owner of the paper wants Josie to do an undercover piece about high schools.
Refusal To The Call: Josie enrolls at her old high school, terrified by her past high school experience. She was the biggest nerd in high school. She was called "Josie Grossie". She knows her job is at stake, so she goes back anyways, only to become the same nerd again.
Meeting The Mentor: When Josie feels like she can't take the teasing anymore and feeling so out of place. her brother, Rob, reminds her she is not Josie Grossie anymore. She is a successful adult. He puts faith back into Josie.
Crossing The Threshold: After many weeks, Josie's boss cannot find a story with the material she has been giving him. He starts to make her wear a tiny video camera to find a story. He soon finds one involving the popular girls. Josie tries to become friends with them but can't. Then her brother saves the day again when he enrolls to play baseball again and helps her become popularity.
Tests, Allies, Enemies: Josie soon becomes popular thanks to Rob and leaves her true friends behind. She is constantly having to prove her popularity with tests like choosing the right theme for prom. And she is falling in love with her english teacher.
Approach To The Inmost Cave: Josie has all of her friends depending on her to plan prom. Once she chooses a "rufus" theme, she is busy planning the prom and her story. She gets asked by "Guy", the most popular guy in the school.
The Ordeal: Josie and Guy go to the prom together. She's in love with Mr. Coulson, and even dances with him. She is voted prom queen, something she thought would never happen. But while she's dancing with Mr. Coulson, Guy is dancing with her geeky friend Aldys while the popular girls plan to throw dog food all over her. Josie knows Aldys is her true friend so she leaves Coulson and throws the dog food away from Aldys and on the girls. Then she relives who she really is.
Reward: Mr Coulson now knows who she really is and is able to fall in love with her, even though he is offended that she lied to him and leaves her.
The Road Back: After almost losing her job for blowing her cover, Josie promises a great story to her stressed out boss. Then comes up for the idea for the story and pitches the idea to the baseball coach.
The Resurrection: Josie writes the story about being a loser and not ever being kissed and how she went back to high school and fell in love with her english teacher. She asked to be forgiven and given another chance. She asks him to meet her at the pitcher's mount at the high school baseball game and that she'll only wait for 5 minutes for him.
Return With The Elixir: Sam comes a couple of seconds late the baseball field and he gives her the perfect first kiss she's been waiting 25 years for.
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